Bylaws developed by the Special Education Council on November 15, 2023

Livingston Parish Public Schools Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)


Adopted November 15, 2023


Section 1

The name of the council is the Livingston Parish Public Schools Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC).


ARTICLE II: Purpose and Duties

Section 1: - Purpose

The SEAC is established in accordance with the requirements of Act 274 of 2019.


Section 2 - Duties

Specifically, the SEAC will:

  • provide advice and feedback regarding special education policies, procedures, and resources;
  • engage in outreach activities to the community at large to increase the level of knowledge, support, and collaboration with respect to special education;
  • submit a written report to the Superintendent of Livingston Parish Public Schools in May of each year regarding its activities; and
  • meet at least 3 times per year.


ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1 – Members

The SEAC shall consist of a minimum of eight (8) members, fifty percent of the membership shall be parents or legal guardians of students with an exceptionality, other than gifted and talented, who are enrolled in a school under the jurisdiction of the public school governing authority; twenty-five percent of the membership shall be teachers, principals, or paraprofessionals; and twenty-five percent of the membership shall be other special education stakeholders from a pool of applicants by the Livingston Parish Public Schools’ Special Education Department. In selecting council members, an effort shall be made to include parents of students in elementary, middle, and high school grades. The Superintendent of Livingston Parish Public Schools shall designate the chairperson of the council and the chairperson shall call the council's meetings, preside over the meetings, and establish the agendas for the meetings.

(1) Parents or legal guardians (as defined in IDEA SEC.602. Definition 23) of children with disabilities (ages birth through 26) enrolled in school in Livingston Parish Public Schools;

(2) Teachers, principals, or paraprofessionals;

(3) Representatives from other special education stakeholder groups;


Section 2 – Special Rule

Fifty percent of the membership must be parents of legal guardians of children with disabilities (ages birth through 26).


Section 3 – Selection

The Superintendent of Livingston Parish Public Schools will appoint a membership committee at the end of a membership term or in a vacancy to review applications for SEAC membership and to make recommendations. This committee shall include:

  • Two members of Livingston Parish Public Schools
  • Two members of SEAC.

The role of the membership committee is to review applications and ensure the following areas are addressed:

(1) Representation of the categories listed above (Section 1: Members)

(2) Gender and ethnic representation

(3) Other considerations brought to the attention of the committee

(4) Applicants may qualify for membership in one or more categories

The committee shall make recommendations to the Superintendent of the Livingston Parish Public Schools. A representative from Livingston Parish Public Schools’ Special Education Department will assist the committee throughout the membership process. Applications for membership in the SEAC will be available on the Livingston Parish Public Schools website three months before the two-year term ends or whenever a vacancy is advertised. Notice of the posting will be sent to school leaders, special education leaders, parent groups throughout the parish, etc. Applications will be accepted for a minimum of thirty days.


Section 4 – Vacancy

A vacancy in an appointed position shall occur if an appointee, for any reason, is unable to serve the full extent of his/her term. When a vacancy occurs, Livingston Parish Public Schools will advertise the position on the Livingston Parish Public Schools website. The membership requirements must be considered when filling the vacancy. The process as outlined in Section 3 above will be used to appoint an individual to fill the vacancy. The person appointed will fill the vacancy for the remainder of the term of the previous individual.


Section 5 –Terms of Membership

(1) The term of each member shall be for two years and shall begin on July 1st of the year he or she is selected and expire on June 30th of the final year.

(2) Panel members shall serve no more than two consecutive terms. Panel members must reapply at the end of their term to be considered for a second term.


Section 6 – SEAC Chair

SEAC will have two co-chairs as follows: (1) One selected from and by SEAC members (2) One representative of Livingston Parish Public Schools. If a co-chair cannot attend the meeting, a proxy agreed upon by both co-chairs will serve in place of the chair.


ARTICLE IV: Meetings

Section 1

(1) The SEAC shall meet monthly to conduct its business but not less than three (3) times during each fiscal year at a time and place determined by Livingston Parish Public Schools.

(2) Special meetings may be called by either of the co-chair when he or she determines that a special meeting is necessary.

(3) Items may be recommended for the agenda by the Livingston Parish School Board and Livingston Parish Public Schools’ Special Education Department, or a SEAC member; however, an executive committee consisting of the Special Education Advisory Council co-chairs and the Superintendent of Livingston Parish Public Schools, or their designee, will have final approval of the agenda. The executive committee is responsible for ensuring responsible for planning the meeting agenda around standing items.

(4) Official minutes will be kept on all SEAC meetings.


Section 2 – Attendance Policy

Members are expected to attend meetings for the length of their tenure. Should SEAC members be unable to participate in a meeting, it is their responsibility to notify the SEAC Co-Chairperson of their absence. Notification is requested as early as possible, and not later than 24 hours preceding the meeting. SEAC members must attend at least eighty percent of the regularly scheduled meetings of the SEAC during a 12-month (July 1 through June 30) period. If a member has unexcused absences for more than four (4) meetings, the member may be replaced. In the event a member is replaced, the vacancy procedure in Article III, Section 4 shall be followed.

Section 3 – Quorum

Section 3 - Quorum A quorum is a majority of the appointed membership. In the absence of a quorum, the SEAC may act, but the Co-chairperson shall indicate that the recommendations are being presented without the required quorum being present.

Section 4 - Proxy

Any person serving on SEAC who cannot attend a scheduled meeting may designate a person to attend, serving in the same capacity as their assigned role on the council, as his/her proxy, as long as the appointing authority does not object. Proxies shall not retain voting privileges per the Louisiana Open Meetings Act.

Section 5 – Orientation

Livingston Parish Public Schools shall annually provide an orientation for new members. The orientation shall include the purpose of the Special Education Advisory Council, and an overview of the current priorities.


ARTICLE V: Amendments

Section 1

Amendments to these Bylaws must be submitted by panel members to the SEAC co-chairs and

Livingston Parish Public Schools at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of the next meeting at which the proposed amendment is to be considered by the SEAC. Livingston Parish Public Schools shall distribute proposed amendments to all panel members by email at least seven (7) calendar days before the meeting.


Section 2

These Bylaws may be amended by majority vote of the members present at the meeting at which

the proposed amendment is considered by the SEAC.